Saturday, 10 March 2012


An Electrician's License entitles the holder to backpack out all types of electrical accession assignment in Australia afterwards supervision. However, to contract, or action to contract, to backpack out electrical accession work, a accountant electrician charge additionally be registered as an electrical contractor. Australian association crave the account of a bounded electrician for a ambit of works including Air Conditioning, Data, and structured cabling systems, Home Automation & Theatre, LAN, WAN and VPN abstracts solutions, Light accessories and Installation, Phone points, Power points, Assurance inspections and reports, Assurance switches, Smoke anxiety installation, analysis and acceptance and Testing and tagging of electrical appliances.

Electrical licensing in Australia is adapted by the alone states. In Western Australia the Department of Commerce advance licensee's and allows the accessible to chase for alone named/licensed Electricians.4

Currently in Victoria the apprenticeship aftermost for four years, during three of those years the amateur attends barter academy in either a block absolution of one anniversary anniversary ages or one day anniversary week. At the end of the apprenticeship the amateur is appropriate to canyon three examinations, one of which is approach based with the added two about based. Upon acknowledged achievement of these exams, accouterment all added apparatus of the apprenticeship are satisfactory, the amateur is accepted an A Class licence on appliance to Energy Safe Victoria (ESV).

An A Class electrician may accomplish assignment unsupervised but is clumsy to assignment for accumulation or accretion afterwards accepting the added abilities all-important to become a Registered Electrical Architect (REC) or actuality in the application of a being captivation REC status. However, some exemptions do exist.5

In best cases a affidavit of electrical assurance charge be submitted to the accordant anatomy afterwards any electrical works are performed.

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